Thursday, December 3, 2009

Last Day

So I am sitting here in between classes about to attend my last class as a college student. Though I doubt this will be my last class ever, it still makes me sad that I will no longer be pushed to learn about History and English. I AM glad that I will no longer have tests and essays but it makes me sad that I will not have professors or lectures anymore. Maybe in a few years I will go back to school or go to seminary. Who knows. I just know I am definitely not done with school...just taking a break for a while.
Be praying that I do not get too frustrated with the mundaneness of a 9 to 5 job. Even though Habitat is NOT a desk job, it can still get mundane. I really hope that I can come up with extra activities to keep me from getting too frustrated.
So if you know of a group of a local book clubs, or sports clubs, or something where you think I might be interested please let me know.
Ugh...I guess it is now time to grow up.


  1. Isn't it wierd to be done with college?? I don't feel old enough...

  2. trust me.... WE will have noooo problem finding fun things to do :) :)
