Thursday, March 11, 2010


So I had to watch this movie in one of my English/Italian Films class last semester. It was incredible. The music. The scenery. the plot. Brilliant!
This movie is about an African woman who's husband gets thrown in prison so she moves to Europe to go to Med School so she can make money to get him out. While there she lives and cleans a pianists house. He is in love with her but she hates him and feels uncomfortable around him. He loves her so much that he sells all of his material possessions, even his piano, to get her husband out of jail. In the end she must chose between her husband or the man who gave up everything for her happiness.
Though this is a sad plot it is just so beautiful and deep that it leaves you literally feeling their passion and love for eachother. There is barely any words, but their chemistry speaks for them. One also sees the differences between the two different cultures and how the African woman's natural beauty strips away his mask and insecurities.

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